This is a sort-of trip report, covering the
few days I have recently spent back in my natal home area in south-east Essex, where I managed to get out most days with the aid
of birding friends from ‘SOG’, the ‘Southend Ornithological Group’.
The areas I went to were all within the ‘SOG’ recording area which is the
south-east of Essex limited by the Thames
Estuary in the south and east, the River Crouch to the north and the RSPB Vange
Marshes to the west.
I apologise in advance for the quality of the photos - most taken in semi-dark conditions.
1 – Wednesday 23rd January 2013, Cloud 8/8; No wind; 2ºC
Birding started on the way to my parents’
house in Benfleet. I had to make a bus change at Rayleigh, a
place where I knew a few days previously a group of Waxwings had been
seen. Walking around in the ice and snow
for half an hour soon made me realize how winters in the UK were certainly different to what I am used to
in Spain. Still, the cold was soon made up for when I
saw a group of 32 Waxwings trilling to each other on telephone wires. They didn’t stay long, but long enough for
some good views to be had even though it was against grey skies. With the Waxwings were a couple of
Fieldfares, birds not always easy to see in the south-east of Essex,
so all in all a very good start to my trip.
Part of the group of Waxwings seen
In the afternoon I had to go to
Shoeburyness, so I made the most of it by walking to the East Beach and around
the coast through Gunners Park (where both Long-tailed Duck and Common Scoter
had recently been seen), along to Southend.
Apart from just generally wanting to see what birds were about, I was
particularly interested to see if there might be any Snow Buntings around. The local bird alert network, SOGnet* wasn’t reporting any, so I’d
have to be very lucky to find any. If they were around, Shoebury East
Beach and the beach
running from south Shoebury through to Southend pierhead are the most likely
spots. In the event, there were no Snow
Buntings, but in my two hour walk, I did manage to see some of the typical
winter birds of the area, including Brent Geese, Knot, Bar-tailed Godwits,
Lapwings, Fieldfare and Redwing.
Due to the cold, some birds were allowing close approach - here a Lapwing...
... and here Oystercatcher and Redshank
species seen day 1, 36 (running total 36)
Magpie - (Pica pica) - Urraca
Black-headed Gull - (Larus ridibundus) - Gaviota Reidora
Carrion Crow - (Corvus conrone) - Corneja Común
House Sparrow – (Passer domesticus) – Gorrión Común
Dove – (Streptopelia decaocto) –
Tórtula Turca
Starling – (Sturnus vulgaris) – Estornino Pinto
– (Columba palumbus) – Paloma Torcaz
Waxwing – (Bombycilla garrulous) - Ampelis
Fieldfare – (Turdus pilaris) – Zorzal Real
Robin –
(Erithacus rubecula) – Petirrojo Europeo
Tit – (Parus caeruleus) – Herrerillo
Long-tailed Tit – (Aegithalus caudatus) - Mito
Great Tit – (Parus major) – Carbonero Común
– (Corvus monedula) - Grajilla
– (Turdus iliacus) – Zorzal Alirrojo
Songthrush – (Turdus philomelos) – Zorzal Común
Redshank – (Tringa totanus) – Archibebe Común
Lapwing – (Vanellus vanellus) – Avefría Europea
– (Haematopus ostralegus) – Ostrero
Common Gull – (Larus canus) – Gaviota Cana
Great Black-backed Gull – (Larus marinus) – Gavión Atlántico
Lesser Black-backed Gull – (Larus fuscus) – Gaviota Sombría
Herring Gull – (Larus argentatus) – Gaviota Argéntea
Goose – (Branta bernicla) – Barnacla
– (Prunella modularis) – Acentor Común
– (Turdus merula) – Mirlo Común
– (Calidris alpina) – Correlimos
Curlew – (Numenius arquata) – Zarapito Real
Bar-tailed Godwit – (Limosa lapponica) – Aguja Colipinta
Knot – (Calidris canutus) – Correlimos Gordo
– (Arenaria interpres) –
Vuelvapiedras Común
Grey Plover – (Pluvialis squatarola) – Chorlito Gris
Mute Swan – (Cygnus olor) – Cisne Vulgar
– (Gallinula chloropus) – Gallineta
– (Anas platyrhynchos) – Ánade Azulón
Wagtail – (Motacilla alba yarrellii) –
Lavandera Blanca (yarrellii)
2 – Thursday 24th January 2013, Cloud 8/8; No wind; 4ºC
A late start today, with SOG* member John Wright, to the RSPB Wat
Tyler park, where over the past few days a 3cy Caspian Gull had seen on the ice
at the pool there, a species I’d never seen since it was split from
Yellow-legged Gull. John had already
seen the gull on a previous occasion and so knew exactly what to look out
for. And probably just as well, as when
I saw the gull, it did look slightly distinct from a Herring Gull, with a very
white head and small eye, and slightly longer legged. But in all honesty, if I’d seen it on my own,
I’m not sure I’d be certain that it was Caspian, or just a variation of a
Herring Gull. Other birds of interest
seen at the pool there were 20 Gadwall, a drake Wigeon and a Marsh Harrier, and
at the nearby creek, a couple of Common Snipe, around 35 Canada Geese, a group
of more than 50 Wigeon and several Common Teal.
Spot the Caspian Gull! - it's the one facing in the centre - most uninspiring!
Another shot over the fleet at Wat Tyler - with Gadwall, Coots and Gulls
And more gulls on one of the islands
From here we went on to the RSPB Vange
Marsh reserve, looking for a Water Pipit and Redpoll that had been reported
earlier in the week. The pools here were
also almost totally frozen over, and although we searched the area well, there
was no sign of the Redpoll and the only pipit we saw was of the Meadow
variety. Birds that were present were a
colour ringed adult Mediterranean Gull, a pair of Pintail, 20+ Wigeon and 50+
From here we moved over to the east of
Essex, to the Lion Creek and Lower Raypits reserve,
where a group of Bewicks’ Swans had been seen over the past few days in a group
of Mute Swans on a farm field. This time
we were lucky (although only just in time), in that the farmer was scaring the
swans from the field (apparently they flatten the rapeseed) – we got to see the
7 Bewicks in flight and followed them flying to nearby Canewdon. Also seen there was a hunting Barn Owl,
flying along a ditch, seen to swoop down and after a few minutes fly up and off
with some small mammal.
Our last port of call was the RSPB reserve
of Wallasea Island, with two other SOG* members, Paul Baker and Don
Petrie. This island, which has been an
RSPB reserve for a number of years now, has built up a reputation for holding
birds rarely seen elsewhere. Here, amongst
other birds we had 13 Yellowhammers and probably more than 500 Corn
Buntings. Raptors seen were a male Marsh
Harrier, a male and ringtail Hen Harrier, and a Short-eared Owl, all hunting over
the ‘field bird table’ (an area left aside and planted with seed-bearing plants
specifically for the birds, which is where the Corn Buntings now feed). On the way back home, now that it was getting
dark, we stopped off at the village
of Paglesham where we
ended the day watching a Little Owl.
species seen day 2, 28 (running total 64)
Gadwall – (Anas strepera) – Ánade Friso
– (Anas penelope) – Silbón Europeo
Caspian Gull – (Larus cachinnans) – Gaviota Caspia
Water Rail – (Rallus aquaticus) – Rascón Europeo
Harrier – (Circus aeruginosus) –
Aguilucho Lagunero
– (Anas clypeata) – Cuchara Común
Teal – (Anas crecca) – Cerceta Común
Grebe – (Tachybaptus ruficollis) –
Zampullín Común
Rook – (Corvus frugilegus) - Graja
Coot – (Fulica atra) – Focha Común
Snipe – (Gallinago gallinago) –
Agachadiza Común
Goose – (Branta Canadensis) – Barnacla
Meadow Pipit – (Anthus pratensis) – Bisbita Pratense
Mediterranean Gull – (Larus melanocephalus) – Gaviota Cabecinegra
Reed Bunting – (Emberiza schoeniclus) – Escribano Palustre
– (Anas acuta) – Ánade Rabudo
Bewick’s Swan – (Cygnus columbianus) – Cisne Chico
Owl – (Tyto alba) – Lechuza Común
Little Egret – (Egretta garzetta) – Garceta Común
Hen Harrier – (Circus cyaneus) – Aguilucho Pálido
Short-eared Owl – (Asio flammeus) – Búho Campestre
Bunting – (Miliaria calandra) -
– (Emberiza citrinella) – Escribano
– (Alauda arvensis) – Alondra Común
– (Tadorna tadorna) – Tarro Blanco
Owl – (Athene noctua) – Mochuelo Europeo
Red-legged Partridge – (Alectoris rufa) – Perdiz Roja
Pheasant – (Phasianus colchicus) – Faisán Vulgar
3 – Friday 25th January 2013, Cloud 8/8; No wind; 4ºC
Today, together with SOG* members John Wright and Don Petrie, I went again to
Shoeburyness East-beach for a seawatch.
The day started very well as while waiting for them to pick me up, I had
a Green Woodpecker digging in my parents back garden for about 15 minutes, and
a Jay fly over.
In my parents back garden, while waiting for my lift
On the way to the
seawatch site, just outside Gunners
Park, we had a group of
about 15 Waxwings in a tree, but by the time we had parked and returned, the
birds had gone, and although we covered the area for another 20 minutes, we
couldn’t relocate the birds.
We spent about 50 minutes seawatching
(until we couldn’t bear the cold anymore), during which time of note we saw 2
Eider (females or immatures), a Shag (which seems to have taken up winter
residence there), 4 Common Scoter flying upriver, 2 Red-throated Divers and 2
Greylag Geese seen to come across the Thames, then go back partway across to
Kent, return again and eventually fly off west.
Then after a quick stop off at Friars Park
in Shoeburyness, where 3 male Mandarin Ducks have taken up residence (and where
we also saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker), we went on to Paglesham Lagoon, a
known local spot for winter wildfowl, where apart from Shelduck, Mallard,
Shoveler, Pintail, Wigeon, Tufted Duck and Pochard, we had several Goldeneye and a male Scaup. We were very lucky in that presumably due to
the cold weather, on the way to the lagoon, we had flushed both Jack Snipe and
Woodcock, and on the way back a Common Snipe.
Also seen around the lagoon were a couple each of both Goldcrest and
Chiffchaff. On the nearby river Roach
with the tide going out, we had around 400 Wigeon, 200+ Brent Geese and 3
Red-breasted Mergansers (2 males and a female).
The highlight of Pag.Lag. - a male Scaup
General view of Paglesham Lagoon - note the snow on the fields - it WAS cold!
We then went on to the RSPB’s Wallasea
Island reserve again, where again we had numbers of Corn Buntings and
Yellowhammers, plus Golden Plovers, Lapwings, Stock Doves and a Mistle Thrush,
and amongst the raptors, a male Marsh Harrier, 3 Hen Harriers (2 ringtails
together and an adult male), Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.
To finish off the day as it was dusk we
thought we’d call in at Hadleigh Downs in the hope of hearing (or even better
seeing) a Tawny Owl. We had no luck with
this, but did see Woodcock and a couple of Foxes.
species seen day 3, 31 (running total 95)
Green Woodpecker – (Picus viridis) – Pito Real
Jay – (Garrulus glandarius) – Arrendajo Común
Eider –
(Somateria mollissima) – Eider Común
Shag – (Phalacrocorax
aristotelis) – Cormorán Moñudo
Ringed Plover – (Charadrius hiaticula) – Chorlitejo Grande
– (Calidris alba) – Correlimos
– (Falco peregrinus)- Halcón
Diver – (Gavia stellata) – Colimbo
Goose – (Anser anser) – Ánsar Común
Scoter – (Melanitta nigra) – Negrón
Duck – (Aix galericulata) – Pato
Great Spotted Woodpecker – (Dendrocopos major) – Pico Picapinos
Jack Snipe – (Lymnocryptes minimus) – Agachadiza Chica
Woodcock – (Scolopax rusticola) – Choca Perdiz
– (Phylloscopus collybita) –
Mosquitero Común
– (Regulus regulus) – Reyezuelo
– (Aythya ferina) – Porrón Europeo
Duck – (Aythya fuligula) – Porrón
– (Bucephala clangula) – Porrón
Heron – (Ardea cinerea) – Garza Real
Scaup –
(Aythya marila) – Porrón Bastardo
Merganser – (Mergus serrator) –
Serreta Mediana
– (Phalacrocorax carbo) – Cormorán
Plover – (Pluvialis apricaria) –
Chorlito Dorado Europeo
Chaffinch – (Fringilla coelebs) – Pinzón Vulgar
Goldfinch – (Carduelis carduelis) - Jilguero
Stock Dove – (Columba oenas) – Paloma Zurita
– (Accipiter nisus) – Gavilán Común
– (Falco tinnunculus) – Cernícalo
Wren – (Troglodytes
troglodytes) – Chocín Común
Mistle Thrush – (Turdus viscivorus) – Zorzal Charlo
4 – Sunday 27th January 2013, Cloud 1/8; Wind NW F2-3; 11ºC
Today, a nice sunny and relatively warm day
I went with a couple of SOG* members,
Paul Griggs and Steve Arlow to do a seawatch from Southend Pier for the couple
of hours leading up to high tide.
Southend Pier, famed for being the longest pier in the world (at 1 ¼ miles
or 2km. long), has long been a famed seawatching point in south Essex, jutting
out as it does into the mouth of the Thames estuary. When I first began birding in the 1970’s,
Mediterranean Gull was a rarity in Essex, requiring a rarity description when
reported to the county recorders, but over the years they have become more and
more common, with their stronghold being at the end of the pier. So as we got off the train at the far end of
the pier, we were greeted with the sight of at least 15 Med. Gulls perched on
posts or flying around the pierhead, and a group of around 70 Turnstones
running around the decks, some waiting for people to drop crumbs for them to
Also around the pierhead were at least 5 Guillemots
(together with two Common Seals), and in the 3 hours spent seawatching we saw
at least 2 Red-throated Divers (one a flypast and another which floated around
the pierhead), an immature Great Northern Diver (which eventually also came
reasonably close). Although there wasn’t
a massive movement of birds, there was a large group of mixed gulls (Greater
Black-backed, Lesser Black-backed, Herring, Common and Black-headed) in the
centre of the estuary, and we saw around 16 Great Crested Grebes and a single
group of 8 Common Scoters. Leaving just
after high-tide, the number of Med.Gulls had increased to more than 25, and
Turnstone to more than 90, but unfortunately there was no sign of Purple
Sandpiper which occasionally get in the roosting flock and which I particularly
wanted to see.
Some years there are none, others lots - this has been one of the better winters for Guillemots
These days ever present - Mediterranean Gull
Not often seen well in flight - Great Crested Grebe
I've never seen the Turnstones so tame!
Out in the Thames, a Great Northern Diver with a snack!
General photo looking back from the pierhead, showing the Turnstone and Med. Gull roosts
And out and around the pierhead, a pair of Common Seals
As the tide reaches high-tide, the posts get covered in Mediterranean Gulls...
...and the old lifeboat slipway gets covered in Turnstones
LOL - that was a good one!
A closer look at the gull roost
species seen day 4, 5 (running total 100)
Greenfinch – (Carduelis chloris) – Verderón Común
Dove – (Columba livia) – Paloma
Crested Grebe – (Podiceps cristatus) –
Somormujo Lavanco
– (Uria aalge) – Arao Común
Great Northern Diver – (Gavia immer) – Colimbo Grande
5 – Monday 28th January 2013, Cloud 0/8; Wind SW F1; 11ºC
Today as the weather forecast was for good
weather in the morning but breaking in the afternoon, I went with SOG* members John Wright, Don Petrie and
Paul Baker to look for some woodland birds, in Hockley Woods, just outside
Southend. This is one of the few woods
in S.E.Essex that has all the resident woodpeckers, Treecreeper, Nuthatch,
Goldcrest, and with the faint possibility of Coal Tit (very rare in this part
of Essex) and Firecrest. Although it was
windless with blue skies and very mild, all the paths were very muddy from
recent snow melting and rain, which was advantageous to us in that there
weren’t many people around.
As regards
the birds, we did very well, with at least 5 Treecreepers, a single Nuthatch, Green
and Great Spotted Woodpeckers, several Goldcrests and Blue, Great and
Long-tailed Tits, and the real crème de la crème, while we were watching the
Nuthatch, Paul latched onto the call of a Coal Tit, which came and flew over us
and started singing. A really top bird,
as none had been seen in the SOG* recording area for the last 18 months. And then, just to put the icing on the cake,
as we changed out of our rubber boots in the carpark John noticed a Lesser
Spotted Woodpecker in the top of a close tree, which we watched well for a
couple of minutes as it moved from treetop to treetop.
Today was woodland day - (Northern) Treecreeper
A couple of shots of Coal Tit
And lastly, Great Spotted Woodpecker
While we were in the woods, we also saw a
couple of mammal species, Grey Squirrel and Muntjac Deer.
As we felt we were on a roll, we decided to
go on to Southend Pier where I had been yesterday, hoping to see the Great
Northern Diver, but the weather prediction was right – we got there and the
cloud and wind came in and we spent a couple of hours seeing very little (16 +
Med. Gulls, 3 + Guillemots, 90 + Turnstone and out at sea 3 Great Crested
Grebes and an unidentified diver) and getting very cold. Giving up, we returned to the centre of
Southend itself to see a pair of Peregrines.
Back on the Pier, more of the same - Mediterranean Gulls,....
... Guillemots...
... and roosting Turnstones
species seen day 5, 4 (running total 104)
Treecreeper – (Certhia familiaris) – Agateador Norteño
– (Sitta europaea) – Trepador Azul
Tit – (Parus ater) – Carbonero
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker – (Dendrocopos minor) – Pico Menor
6 – Tuesday 29th January 2013, Cloud 8/8 and some showers; Wind SW
F1-2; 11ºC
Today I went with SOG* member John Wright to have another look at the Wat Tyler
Country Park
in Pitsea. We started at Timbermans
Creek where the tide was out and where Spotted Redshanks had been recently
seen. We hadn’t seen them on Thursday when we were there as the tide had been
too high so we were having another go.
This time we were lucky as we had at least 5 of them. Looking over to Fobbing marsh we could see
large numbers of gulls on the pools in the fields and many Canadian Geese with
a single Snow Goose in their midst.
We moved on to the hide overlooking the
fleet in the hope of seeing a Bittern which had occasionally been seen
there. Although we stayed there for an
hour and a half, we were unlucky with the Bittern, but did see at least 9
Common Snipe, a group of 6 Ruff, Green Sandpiper, plus several hundred Lapwing
all roosting on the low islands, and many Gadwall, Tufted Ducks, Pochard and
Wigeon in the fleet itself. In the
reedbeds, we heard snatches of both Cettis Warbler song and Bearded Tit calls. Also coming in to wash and drink was a
constant stream of gulls from the nearby refuse tip.
Roosting Lapwings with a few Ruff on the point of the island
In the early afternoon, as John had heard
of a possible Red-necked Grebe in the River Crouch between North and South Fambridge the day before, we took a trip over there
at high tide. Although we didn’t have
any luck with the Grebe, we did see an unseasonal Common Sandpiper, and a
species I hadn’t seen for over a year, Rock Pipit. Also in the flooded fields alongside the
seawall were several hundred Lapwings and even more Golden Plovers. Across the river in fields in North
Fambridge, we could see large numbers of Brent Geese plus a small group of 7
Greylag Geese with a smaller goose with them (possibly the White-fronted Goose
that had been seen on and off from there over the winter), and another small
flock of Barnacle Geese.
species seen day 6, 9 (running total 113)
Black-tailed Godwit – (Limosa limosa) – Aguja Colinegra
Spotted Redshank – (Tringa erythropus) – Archibebe Oscuro
Sandpiper – (Tringa ochropus) –
Andarríos Grande
Ruff – (Philomachus
pugnax) - Combatiente
Warbler (H) – (Cettia cettia) –
Ruiseñor Bastardo
Bearded Tit (H) – (Panurus biarmicus) - Bigotudo
Common Sandpiper – (Actitis hypoleucos) – Andarríos Chico
Pipit – (Anthus petrosus) – Bisbita
Goose – (Branta leucopsis) – Barnacla
7 – Wednesday 30th January 2013, Cloud 4/8; Wind SW F1-2 gusting 4;
Today I went out over to some woodlands
close to my parents home in Benfleet, Benfleet
Downs. I was particularly looking for
Bullfinches, a species that since my days ringing in the same area, have
dropped dramatically in numbers - so much so that they are virtually considered
rarities in the local area, although a pair are now regularly seen on the
Downs. As seems to be the general case
in the area, there were plenty of the larger woodland birds – Carrion Crows,
Magpies, Jays, Woodpigeons – but the smaller birds were noticeable by their absence. There were a few Dunnocks, Robins, Wrens,
Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits, but the only obvious finches were a couple of
flocks of about a dozen birds each, of Goldfinches, and no Buntings at all.
As I’ve mentioned I was particularly looking
for Bullfinches as I don’t get to see them in Spain. I spent about an hour in the area I had been
told they should be, but without any luck, so I thought I’d best check with a
local birder, Don Petrie, to make sure I was in the right area. So after a quick phone call to confirm where
they are normally seen, I did another circuit of the area, and this time I was
in luck, hearing a bird and then have a superb male land in a tree in front of
me and a female in a nearby tree. I just
about had enough time to get my binoculars on them before they were off again,
with a third bird that I hadn’t noticed before.
They seemed to fly quite high but I didn’t think they’d go too far, so I
went along a stream (which was more like a river today) in search of them. After walking about 5 minutes I heard the
call again and eventually found the bird, the female, but again it didn’t hang
around and so I left it at that. Other
animals seen were a Red Fox and Grey Squirrel, and very surprisingly
considering the wind and time of year, a Bumble Bee!
One of the few smaller birds seen - Dunnock
Bumble Bee - they must have a strong constitution to be out in the cold and wind!
Some general views of this part of Essex
Looking over from the Downs to the east end of Canvey Island
And looking over to the Canvey West RSPB reserve
Another of the small birds about - Long-tailed Tit
species seen day 7, 1 (running total 114)
– (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) – Camachuelo
8 – Thursday 31st January 2013, Cloud 2-6-1/8; Wind SW F2 gusting 5;
Today the weather forecast was for sunny
spells with possible sharp, heavy showers and a strong wind blowing, and that’s
how it turned out to be. I was joined
today by SOG* members John Wright,
Paul Baker and Don Petrie, plus Paul Griggs who I first started birding with 40
years ago. As we had had such a good day
in Hockley Woods the other day and the woods tend to suppress the wind, (and
some of our group needed some of the birds for their yearlists), we went back
to Hockley. We were lucky again with
Nuthatch and Treecreeper, but there was no sign of the Coal Tit or Lesser
Spotted Woodpecker, and we had our only bad weather break there, with a 10
minute quite heavy rainshower. Another
bird we particularly wanted to see was Firecrest, and so we went through to the
back of the woods where there are numerous holly bushes and trees, but although
we found numerous Goldcrests, there was neither sight nor sound of Firecrest. We were finally making our way back to the
carpark (Paul Baker and Don Petrie had gone on ahead as their carpark ticket
was running out), when we spotted a Goldcrest in a holly bush, and on
investigation we saw a group of tits in another nearby holly bush with Goldcrests,
and a single Firecrest!
One of the Goldcrests seen
Always on the lookout for easy pickings, a Jay
Also ever present, the Grey Squirrel
From Hockley we moved on to the river
Crouch at South Fambridge as the tide was
coming up. We were particularly looking
for a Water Pipit which had been seen in the area on and off since
December. Although the wind was gusting
strongly, we walked (got blown) east along the river and after about 10 minutes
had a passerine fly up from the sea wall.
A Songthrush. Not the bird we
were looking for! But a further 10
minutes along the wall another smaller passerine leapt up from the base of the
sea wall and flew west. It was so windy
it took a while to pass us so we got very good views of it. It eventually landed behind us about 30 yards
away on a rock, and melted away – this time it WAS the bird we were looking
for, Water Pipit. On our walk back to
the car, we saw a large flock of 500+ Brent Geese rise up from behind the
seawall on the other side of the river together with at least 8 Greylag Geese
and 20+ Curlew, and also another flock of 200+ Lapwing, so we presumed some
predator must have been passing by.
Always spectacular when a large group gets up - Brent Geese
.jpg)
View looking across the River Crouch
As the tide was coming in, we made our way
down to Two Tree
Island, between Canvey Island
and Leigh-on-Sea, the western end of which is a lagoon with small islands in it
where at high tide many waders gather. We
were joined there by another SOG*
member, Mike Bailey. Getting there more or less at the top of the tide, the
hide overlooking the lagoon was quite busy with birdwatchers, and when we
finally got ourselves sat down, we could see that the lagoon was also
busy. Flocks of various waders such as
Knot and Dunlin flying about, Black-tailed Godwits, around 15 Common Snipe,
Avocet, Turnstone, groups of Redshanks, 4 Greenshank together, Lapwings, plus
numbers of Shelduck, Common Teal, Wigeon and a couple of Shoveler. We were
entertained for a while by the antics of a large female Peregrine in Benfleet
Creek, which was hunting and was then harassed by Carrion Crows.
View over the west end of Two Tree Island with Hadleigh Downs in the distance
And the east end of Two Tree Island
From the west end of the island, we walked
through to the east end where I was hoping to see the large group of Brent
Geese that normally congregate there, but all we saw were 9 of these geese plus
7 Pintail.
species seen day 8, 4(running total 118)
Firecrest – (Regulus ignicapilla) – Reyezuelo Listado
Water Pipit – (Anthus spinoletta) – Bisbita Alpino
Greenshank – (Tringa nebularia) – Archibebe Claro
Linnet – (Carduelis cannabina) – Pardillo Común
9 – Friday1st February 2013, Cloud 8/8 and light rain a.m., sunny
spells p.m. Wind W F0-1; 8 - 7ºC
My last full day in Essex. With rain forecast until midday, I had
arranged for a late start (10 a.m.) with SOG*
member John Wright to pick me up and go over to Wat Tyler Country Park in
Pitsea, where we’d wait in the hide for the rain to stop, hoping to see the
Bittern that’s there. When we got to the
hide we found out from people there that we’d missed the Bittern by 15 minutes,
but at least we knew where it’d gone back down in the reeds. So (hopefully) just a matter of sit and
wait. Well we waited, and waited, and
waited – and an hour and 25 minutes after arriving, we saw the bird! It flew up from where it was last seen flying
into the reeds, crossed in front of us and dropped back down in some other
reeds. Total time seen, approx. 15
to 20 seconds! But at least we’d seen it, close, and very
well. We waited another 20 minutes in
case it should show again, but by then we were getting cold so we paid a quick
call in the (warm) RSPB visitors centre, to check if anything else had been
seen, and also to see what their feeding centre was puling in. Well there were no other birds, and the
feeding centre was full of Blue and Great Tits, Chaffinches, a House Sparrow, a
couple of Dunnock, Blackbirds and a very fat Grey Squirrel!
Very much just a record shot of the Bittern as it passed in front of the hide
More my type of birding! - watching the feeders from inside the warm RSPB information centre
Other birds seen on Pitseahall Fleet were
Cormorant, Lapwings, Coots, Moorhens, Mallards, Shovelers, Gadwall, Pochards,
Teal and Tufted Ducks, and another interesting sighting was of a Water Vole in
front of the hide. As we left Wat Tyler
we also had a Sparrowhawk fly by.
As by now the weather had cleared and there
were some sunny periods, we went through to the RSPB reserve at Canvey West on Canvey Island. One of my favourite local reserves but I
hadn’t yet got to go there and it was my last hope for a species I hadn’t yet
seen on this trip, Stonechat. This
reserve, up until about 9 years ago used to be a cattle farm, very wet in the
winter and dry in the summer. Now,
however it has a water movement system using windmills, so that the fields can
be flooded at any time. This has had the
result in bringing in many waterfowl, of which we saw 50+ Canada Geese, 2
Greylag Geese, 4 Mute Swans, numerous Coots and Moorhen, a single Great Crested
Grebe, 2 Shelduck, 15 Shoveler, 12 Tufted Duck, 25+ Pochard, 20+ Mallard, 200+
Teal and 400+ Wigeon. I was quite
surprised by the lack of small birds though – apart from a couple of Wrens
calling at the beginning of the reserve and another on the Benfleet Creek
seawall, a single Meadow Pipit, 2 Reed Buntings and 12 Sylarks, the only small
passerines we saw were a group of around 75 Fieldfares with a couple Blackbirds
and around 50 Starlings mixed in with the flock. That is, until on the way back to the car,
having just watched a Short-eared Owl by the ‘Red Hill’, a male Stonechat
appeared out of nowhere to be joined by another female bird. Result!
Other birds seen this afternoon were Green Woodpecker, Sparrowhawk,
Marsh Harrier, 25 Stock Doves, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Grey Heron and Little
Part of the Canvey West RSPB reserve
Some of the Wigeon in the flooded fields...
...and some more
Part of the flock of Fieldfare...
... they don't like you getting too close...
... or they'll scatter into the nearest hedgerow
And my last species of the trip - female Stonechat
species seen, day 9, 2 (running total 120)
Bittern – (Botaurus stellaris) – Avetoro Común
Stonechat – (Saxicola torquatus) – Tarabilla Común
This ends my report for my visit to the UK. So just a note to acknowledge the help of the
‘Southend Ornithological Group’ (website address where up to date
details of birds seen in the South-east Essex area can be found), and in
particular John Wright (my chauffeur for the period), Don Petrie, Paul Baker,
Paul Griggs and Mike Bailey for their help in locating many of the birds.
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